
Red Date and Osmanthus Mashed Potatoes

كيفية طهي التمر الأحمر والبطاطس المهروسة بالأوسمانثوس

"In the tranquil azure sky, wisps of clouds drift lazily,Amidst clusters of osmanthus, fragrance blooms in the gentle breeze.Over a hundred acres, the West Lake reflects the bright moon,This soul already resides within the Palace of the Moon."—Shen Zhiyan (Song Dynasty) انقر هنا لشراء 1.65 رطل من رقائق البطاطس عالية الجودة المعبأة في كيس (ًالشحن مجانا)

كيفية طهي التمر الأحمر والبطاطس المهروسة بالأوسمانثوس اقرأ المزيد »

Seafood Stir-Fry with Potato Pancakes

How to Cook Seafood Stir-Fry with Mashed Potato Pancakes

"With delicate hands, shaping into uniform jade hues,Fried in azure oil, emerging tenderly golden.In the night, the lightness of spring slumber is known,Pressing lightly, beauties entwine their arms in gold."—Su Shi (Song Dynasty) انقر هنا لشراء 1.65 رطل من رقائق البطاطس عالية الجودة المعبأة في كيس (ًالشحن مجانا)

How to Cook Seafood Stir-Fry with Mashed Potato Pancakes اقرأ المزيد »

Fragrant and Spicy Conch Slices with Potato Flowers

How to Cook Fragrant and Spicy Conch Slices with Potato Flowers

"Beneath the vast sea, serene and humble,Its vibrant hues and delightful tastes praised far and wide;Bearing burdens heavy, yet refusing to yield,Amidst the turbulent waves, it still gracefully unfolds" انقر هنا لشراء 1.65 رطل من رقائق البطاطس عالية الجودة المعبأة في كيس (ًالشحن مجانا)

How to Cook Fragrant and Spicy Conch Slices with Potato Flowers اقرأ المزيد »

Grilled lamb chops with rosemary mashed potatoes and lamb soup

How to Cook Grilled lamb chops with rosemary mashed potatoes and lamb soup

"Two people walking together, whether for a short or long time, there are always many beautiful moments. It's in those moments that you know you have loved or been loved, and you have savored the happiness in love." This is what Zhang Xiaoxian said, more accurately, if the banquet of love is seasoned with unique

How to Cook Grilled lamb chops with rosemary mashed potatoes and lamb soup اقرأ المزيد »

What Are Potato Flakes? How Are Potato Flakes Made?

Potato flakes are products obtained by dehydration and drying, resulting in flaky or fine powdery substances. They are collectively referred to as potato whole powder. During the production process, the integrity of potato cells is preserved, retaining the natural flavor of potatoes. What are Potato Flakes? Potato flakes are a type of cooked and dehydrated

What Are Potato Flakes? How Are Potato Flakes Made? اقرأ المزيد »

Potato flakes potato

رقائق البطاطس | ما هي أصناف البطاطس المستخدمة في الإنتاج?

Potato flakes production has stringent requirements for raw materials. Specific potato varieties are chosen, and criteria such as size and dry matter content are regulated. Not all potatoes available in supermarkets are suitable for potato flakes production. Potatoes used for this purpose are termed as processing potatoes, distinct from those used for household cooking, known

رقائق البطاطس | ما هي أصناف البطاطس المستخدمة في الإنتاج? اقرأ المزيد »

رقائق البطاطس القياسية

أحدث المعايير الوطنية لرقائق البطاطس في الصين في 2024 (اعتبارًا من 14 مايو)

رقائق البطاطس المعيار الوطني 2024 معيار صناعة الحبوب في جمهورية الصين الشعبية LS/T 3321-2023 صدر في نوفمبر 14, 2023, for potato flakes To be Implemented on May 14, 2024 Introduction This document is drafted under the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 “المبادئ التوجيهية لجزء التقييس 1: هيكل وصياغة المعايير.”

أحدث المعايير الوطنية لرقائق البطاطس في الصين في 2024 (اعتبارًا من 14 مايو) اقرأ المزيد »