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Cómo hacer puré de papas con leche y mantequilla

butter milk mashed potatoes

butter milk mashed potatoes

butter milk mashed potatoes

Make Butter Milk Mashed Potatoes

“Sweet and fluffy, always making one feel good, perhaps our mornings should start like this. Besides the nutrition we need, what we need more is this comforting feeling: lazy, natural.”
Plato Breakfast, Dessert, Salad, Side Dish
Cocina American, French, Italian
Keyword manteca, Mashed potatoes, milk
Tiempo de preparación 5 minutos
Tiempo de cocción 5 minutos
Autor martín


  • 1 White square deep salad bowl


Elaboración paso a paso

  • Heat milk in a pot until boiling
  • Gradually add mashed potato powder while stirring
  • Turn off the heat, add butter, y mezclar bien
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