Potato Soft Rolls

"This is a breakfast essential, isn't it? Carefully baked delicacies, paired with a glass of milk or soy milk, or perhaps a cup of delicious coffee or tea, can kickstart your day with energy and vigor."
Prep Time 20 دقایق mins
Cook Time 30 دقایق mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine American, Chinese
Servings 4
- Oven
Main Ingredients
- 100 g Basic پوره سیب زمینی
- 200 g Bread flour
- 300 g Milk
- 50 g Eggs
- Salt
- Yeast
- Mix all ingredients except for the basic mashed potatoes to form a dough. Then add the basic mashed potatoes, let it rise, knead into small rolls, and let rise again.
- Brush with beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 25 دقایق.
Keyword Mashed potatoes