Seafood Stir-Fry with Potato Pancakes

How to Cook Seafood Stir-Fry with Mashed Potato Pancakes

Seafood Stir-Fry with Potato Pancakes

Seafood Stir-Fry with Mashed Potato Pancakes

"With delicate hands, shaping into uniform jade hues,Fried in azure oil, emerging tenderly golden.
In the night, the lightness of spring slumber is known,Pressing lightly, beauties entwine their arms in gold."
—Su Shi (Song Dynasty)
Preparazione 20 minuti
Cottura 20 minuti
Portata Portata principale, Side Dish
Cucina cinese
Porzioni 4


  • Stoviglie normali


Ingredienti principali

  • 120 G Purè
  • 100 G Gamberetto
  • 100 G Capesante
  • 100 G Peas
  • 50 G each of green and red bell peppers
  • Eggs

Additional Ingredients

  • Minced garlic chili sauce
  • Tomato ketchup
  • Salt
  • Cornstarch


  • Mix mashed potatoes with eggs and cornstarch to form potato cakes. Steam until cooked and set aside.
  • Blanch shrimp, capesante, and peas. In a pan, heat some oil, add minced garlic chili sauce and tomato ketchup, stir-fry until fragrant. Season with salt. Add green and red bell peppers, shrimp, capesante, and peas, stir-fry and transfer to a serving plate.
  • Serve with the potato cakes.
Parola chiave Purè di patate, Pancake

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