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How to Make Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

"Does this dish remind you of the creamy ice cream sticks you had as a child? Though the taste from your memory seems to have a hint of resemblance, what you're experiencing now is the authentic Western cuisine – the melting cheese, the soft and tasty purè di patate. Add in a worthy newspaper to read, and you'll forget the hustle and bustle of the city. It's not hard to notice that this exquisite snack perfectly steals away half a day of leisure from your busy life."
Portata Main Course
Cucina Chinese
Keyword Mashed potatoes
Preparazione 20 minuti
Cottura 30 minuti
Porzioni 4


  • Normal Kitchenware


Main Ingredients

  • 150 G Basic mashed potatoes
  • 100 G Cheddar cheese


  • Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Tomato sauce


  • Cut the Cheddar cheese into strips.
  • Wrap the Cheddar cheese strips with basic mashed potatoes and roll them into sticks. Coat each stick with flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs in sequence.
  • Fry in a deep fryer at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown, melting the cheese.
  • Serve on a plate with tomato sauce.
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