サイトアイコン XION ポテトフレークメーカー

How to Cook Pan-seared Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Mushrooms.

Pan-seared steak served with mashed potatoes and herb-infused mushrooms.

Pan-seared steak served with mashed potatoes and herb-infused mushrooms.

Pan-seared steak served with mashed potatoes and herb-infused mushrooms.

Pan-seared steak served with mashed potatoes and herb-infused mushrooms

"Carefully crafted, tastefully chosen. It's hard for anyone to resist the temptation of exquisite food when enticed by both its appearance and flavor. A hint of red wine adds to the allure. With good company, one can easily get lost in sweet dreams, lingering in slumber, knowing that マッシュポテト won't add to the waistline. After a satisfying meal, you can indulge in a beauty sleep."
コース メインコース
料理 American, French, Italian
キーワード マッシュポテト
準備時間 20
調理時間 30
Servings 1
Author マーティン


  • 通常のキッチン用品



  • 200g g Steak
  • 150 g Butter milk mashed potato
  • 150 g White mushrooms


  • White pepper
  • Beef jus
  • Vegetable oil
  • Chopped herbs


  • Season the steak with salt and pepper, pan-sear until desired doneness.
  • Sauté the white mushrooms in oil until golden, season with herbs.
  • Serve with mashed potatoes and drizzle with beef jus.