Potato Cheese Sticks

How to Make Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

Potato Cheese Sticks

"Does this dish remind you of the creamy ice cream sticks you had as a child? Though the taste from your memory seems to have a hint of resemblance, what you're experiencing now is the authentic Western cuisine – the melting cheese, the soft and tasty マッシュポテト. Add in a worthy newspaper to read, and you'll forget the hustle and bustle of the city. It's not hard to notice that this exquisite snack perfectly steals away half a day of leisure from your busy life."
準備時間 20
調理時間 30
コース メインコース
料理 中国語
Servings 4


  • 通常のキッチン用品



  • 150 g Basic mashed potatoes
  • 100 g Cheddar cheese


  • Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Tomato sauce


  • Cut the Cheddar cheese into strips.
  • Wrap the Cheddar cheese strips with basic mashed potatoes and roll them into sticks. Coat each stick with flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs in sequence.
  • Fry in a deep fryer at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown, melting the cheese.
  • Serve on a plate with tomato sauce.
キーワード マッシュポテト


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