XION 감자 플레이크 제조업체

감자 플레이크는 무엇입니까? Things You May not Know

감자 플레이크 are the final product obtained after processing fresh potatoes through a series of steps including cleaning, 필링, 김이 나는, 매싱, 그리고 건조.

Essentially, potato flakes can be considered a type of dehydrated potato product. They appear as small snowflake-like flakes, mainly in white and yellow varieties, and there are also purple potato flakes processed from purple potatoes.

As a professional in the production and use of potato flakes, let me introduce you to this product from various perspectives.

what are potato flakes

As a type of dehydrated potato product, what makes potato flakes special?

The processing technology

There are many types of dehydrated potato products commonly seen in supermarkets, such as dehydrated potato chunks and slices. 일반적으로, dehydrated potato chunks and slices are produced using freeze-drying techniques, but the dehydration process for potato flakes is completely different.

The core of potato flake processing is large drum drying. When potato mash is dried in large drums, potato flakes resemble neatly arranged sheets of paper, which are then broken into flakes. Due to the requirement for large drum drying, potato flake factories are typically of considerable scale.

Want to learn more about potato flakes processing, please check my article:

감자 플레이크는 무엇입니까? 감자 플레이크는 어떻게 만들어지나요??

The Main Uses

I dare say you’ll find it difficult to directly purchase potato flakes in any supermarket, as they are primarily an intermediate product in food production. 예를 들어, flavored 으깬 감자, composite potato chips, and various biscuits all use potato flakes as ingredients.

Why use potato flakes as a food ingredient?

The Most prominent feature

Perhaps unknown to many, the standout feature of potato flakes isn’t just their taste and nutritional value but a physical characteristic—their exceptional rehydration ability.

If you pour 100 grams of water into 20 grams of potato flakes, within 1-2 초, the flakes will absorb all the water, transforming into mashed potatoes.

So, what’s the use of this strong rehydration ability?

Classification of potato flakes

Product Appearance

Color classification:

Potato flakes generally come in white, yellow, and purple varieties, with varying intensities of color depth due to the different types of fresh potato raw materials used. refer to my article:

감자 플레이크 | 생산에 사용되는 감자 품종?

Origin classification:

The main regions producing potato flakes worldwide include Europe, North America, Russia, and China, each with distinct characteristics primarily influenced by the types of potatoes used.

How to choose potato flakes?

You should consider several important factors when selecting potato flakes:

Besides the methods I mentioned here, there is the China National Standard of Potato Flakes as a reference for the quality of potato flakes.

중국 감자 플레이크에 대한 최신 국가 표준 2024 (5월 14일부터 시행)


Check for any dark spots or discoloration in potato flakes. Higher purity indicates better raw material quality.

Rehydration capability:

Conduct a simple test by mixing potato flakes with water in a 1:5 ratio to observe how quickly they absorb water. Faster absorption indicates higher-quality potato flakes.

Starch in potato flakes:

It requires specialized equipment or reagents for measurement, with lower starch content indicating higher quality potato flakes. For more details on this relationship, refer to my article:

감자 플레이크와 전분의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

Brand of potato flakes:

Due to the high production requirements, only large-scale factories can manufacture potato flakes. It’s advisable to choose reputable brands known for producing high-quality potato flakes. In China, options include XION, 홍지, and Xuechuan, among others. For more information, refer to my article:

맨 위 10 Potato Flakes Manufacturers in China

Author Summary

The above content summarizes some foundational aspects of potato flakes production and application, from the perspective of a professional in the field. I hope to engage in further discussions with you. Feel free to contact me anytime for questions related to this topic.

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