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How to Make Potato Chocolate Cookies

Potato Chocolate Cookies

Potato Chocolate Cookies

Potato Chocolate Cookies

Potato Chocolate Cookies

"Chocolate is a favorite for many, and if it weren't for the fear of gaining weight, many would love to sleep with chocolate. Now, this little dessert, with added purê de batata, is clearly a classic diet food! So, you can easily indulge yourself with big bites."
Curso Dessert
Cozinha americano, chinês, mexicano
Palavra-chave Purê de batata
Tempo de preparação 20 minutos
Hora de cozinhar 30 minutos
Porções 4


  • Oven


Principais ingredientes

  • 100 g Basic mashed potatoes
  • 100 g Flour
  • 200 g Milk


  • Chocolate
  • Baking soda


  • Mix basic mashed potatoes with flour and milk until well combined.
  • Transfer the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a nozzle, and pipe onto a baking tray.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutos.
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