Sour and Spicy Potato Noodles

How to Make Sour and Spicy Potato Noodles

Sour and Spicy Potato Noodles

Sour and Spicy Potato Noodles

"Plums linger, sour and soft, teeth sinking in gently; banana leaves part, green against window screens.Long days, waking up with no lingering thoughts; leisurely watching children chase willow flowers.“
Yang Wanli
Tempo de preparação 20 minutos
Hora de cozinhar 30 minutos
Curso Prato principal
Cozinha chinês
Porções 2


  • Utensílios de cozinha normais


Principais ingredientes

  • 150 g Original purê de batata
  • 100 g Eggs
  • 50 g Flour
  • 50 g green and red chili peppers


  • A little cucumber, garlic, and cilantro
  • Sal
  • Soy sauce
  • Vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Chicken powder
  • Chili oil


  • Mix the basic mashed potatoes, egg whites, and flour with water until smooth. Press into noodles, boil in boiling water until cooked, then rinse with cold water and set aside.
  • Mix salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chicken powder, chili oil, minced garlic, chopped green and red chili peppers, and cilantro to make the sour and spicy sauce.
  • Place cucumber shreds at the bottom of a dish, top with potato noodles, and pour the sour and spicy sauce over them.
Palavra-chave Purê de batata

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