
are potato flakes healthy

Ba'ax ku saludables le hojuelas yuum.?

Hojuelas patata, although long considered an important food additive and ingredient used to adjust the overall taste and appearance of food, actually have substantial nutritional value, which we often overlook. In 2015, China began a strategy to make potatoes a staple food, meaning potatoes would become a main part of the diet for 1.4 billion […]

Ba'ax ku saludables le hojuelas yuum.? Read More »

Ba'ax ku le hojuelas yuum.

Ba'ax ku le hojuelas yuum.? Ba'alo'ob ku Míin ma' a wojel

Potato flakes are the final product obtained after processing fresh potatoes through a series of steps including cleaning, peladura, humeante, Maceración, ka tijil. Esencialmente, Le hojuelas patata páajtal considerar u jump'éel bin yano'ob producto patata deshidratado. Aparecen bey mejen copos nieve, chuunil laat'a'an ti' variedades sak wíiniko'ob ka amarillas, and there are also purple potato flakes processed

Ba'ax ku le hojuelas yuum.? Ba'alo'ob ku Míin ma' a wojel Read More »

potato flakes vs mashed potatoes powder

Hojuelas yuum vs puré yuum tu lu'umil | Diferencias yéetel bix elegir

Mashed potatoes are a popular and beloved dish that people often make at home by steaming and mashing potatoes. And there are easier ways to do it, you can also make delicious mashed potatoes using potato flakes or mashed potato powder by simply mixing them with hot water or hot milk. Many people asked me

Hojuelas yuum vs puré yuum tu lu'umil | Diferencias yéetel bix elegir Read More »

hojuelas patata

Why Use Potato Flakes? What are the Applications?

Hojuelas patata, as a crucial potato deep-processing product, are globally recognized as a wholesome nutritional food. Primarily used as raw material in the production of potato convenience foods, potato flakes serve as a foundation for the deep processing of various other foods. It finds extensive applications in the manufacturing processes of convenience foods, frozen foods,

Why Use Potato Flakes? What are the Applications? Read More »

Potato and Salted Pork Cakes

Bix meentik pasteles u yuum yéetel k'éek'eno' Ch'óoch'

"You can taste the flavors your family used to cook with. Besides being surprised, we'll all eat more than we should. This dish should give you that feeling. In the familiar taste, we unknowingly end up eating a lot." Beetik clic waye' in maanik hojuelas yuum grado superior ti' jiit'iko'ob 1.65 lb (Envío Gratis)

Bix meentik pasteles u yuum yéetel k'éek'eno' Ch'óoch' Read More »