Potato and Salted Pork Cakes

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Potato and Salted Pork Cakes

Potato and Salted Pork Cakes

"You can taste the flavors your family used to cook with. Besides being surprised, we'll all eat more than we should. This dish should give you that feeling. In the familiar taste, we unknowingly end up eating a lot."
K'iinil preparación 20 uchik
K'iinil cocción 30 uchik
Je'ela' Lako' noj bejo'
K'óoben Americano, Chino, Mexicano
Porciones 4


  • Menaje u k'óoben normal


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  • Chop the salted pork into small cubes and fry them in a pan until cooked, draining excess oil.
  • Mix the basic mashed potatoes with the cooked salted pork and chopped parsley, shape into cakes.
  • Coat with potato flakes and fry in a pan until golden brown.
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