
馬鈴薯片不含麩質嗎? 讓廠商告訴你

洋芋片 do not contain gluten, 這是因為麩質是小麥中的一組蛋白質, 馬鈴薯是一種脫水馬鈴薯產品.

它們不含有與麩質相同的蛋白質成分, 所以它們不含麩質.

所以, 即使您對麩質過敏, you can use potato flakes and do not have to worry about the presence of potato flakes in the food ingredient list.

So what other related issues need to be understood and paid attention to?


Why is potato flakes gluten-free?

Gluten is a group of proteins in grains, especially wheat, and potato flakes are made purely from fresh potatoes through dehydration.

The processing and production processes of potato flakes and grains are completely unrelated, and the production equipment is completely incompatible, so there is no situation where potato flakes contain gluten.

When we conduct strict testing on potato flakes products, there is no gluten testing requirement. 換句話說, the food industry recognizes that potato flakes do not contain gluten.

Potato flakes may look like simple food, but for our manufacturers, the production standards are very strict, and there will be no gluten contamination.

Can people with gluten allergies eat potato flakes?

當然, they can, but we must be careful to avoid other ingredients when eating 馬鈴薯泥 made from potato flour, including utensils you have used, water used to cook other ingredients, seasonings, ETC.

Can babies eat potato flakes?

Many people use potato flakes to make milky mashed potatoes for their children.

This way of using potato flakes does not have the risk of gluten.

When you use potato flakes to make potato puree, you can add some fruit puree appropriately. I believe that babies will still like it.

另外, you also need to be careful not to mix foods containing wheat ingredients when making potato puree.

How to avoid accidentally eating gluten when making mashed potatoes?

Most people’s eating habits are to use some ingredients when making mashed potatoes, and the ingredients may contain gluten.

So you must check whether it contains wheat ingredients, otherwise it may cause accidental ingestion.

When we use kitchen utensils, wash them at high temperatures, or use another set of new ones to hold mashed potatoes, we can avoid gluten entering the mashed potatoes and causing cross-ingestion.

What products made with potato flakes may contain gluten?

Although pure potato flakes are gluten-free, as a common food main ingredient and baking ingredient, we still need to pay attention to some products.

The Products that may contain potato flakes include bread, cakes, 餅乾, 義大利麵, 餅乾, cereals, pretzels, cream sauces, thickeners, bread crumbs, instant coffee, ketchup (part), mustard, cake decorations, canned soups, deli meats, ETC.

所以, it is not necessarily that foods made with potato flakes do not contain gluten. I suggest that when you buy packaged foods, you should still check whether the packaging has thegluten-freelogo. If you buy foods made with potato flakes from a bakery, I recommend that you ask the store to confirm whether the product contains gluten.



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