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How to Cook Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancakes

"The layers of pancakes, the intertwining of flour and powder, the fusion of egg and milk, dipped in chili sauce. Clearly, it's a staple, but you just treat it as a snack. By the time you finish, you can't eat anything else. Remember, these pancakes fill you up, so you won't easily get hungry again."
課程 主菜
美食 Chinese
關鍵字 馬鈴薯泥
準備時間 20 分分鐘
烹飪時間 30 分分鐘
Servings 4


  • 普通廚具




  • Baking soda
  • Chili sauce


  • Mix potato flakes, flour, and baking soda evenly. Mix milk and eggs.
  • Gradually add the mixed flour into the milk and egg mixture while stirring.
  • Fry the batter in a pan to make thin pancakes, serve with chili sauce.
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