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How to Make Vegetable Potato Tower

How to Make Vegetable Potato Tower

How to Make Vegetable Potato Tower

Vegetable Potato Tower

Vegetable Potato Tower

"More and more delicacies require multiple processes to make, and what we enjoy most is the chef's unique craftsmanship. It's not just about simple intentions; exquisite cuisine requires careful execution. Sweetness is one thing, fluffiness is another, and between sweetness and fluffiness, the fragrance of vegetables will delight your taste buds."
課程 主菜, 小菜
美食 Chinese
關鍵字 馬鈴薯泥
準備時間 20 分分鐘
烹飪時間 20 分分鐘
Servings 2
Author 馬丁


  • 普通廚具




  • Egg mixture
  • Plain pastry shell


  • Cut the carrots into small cubes and boil until cooked. Mix the cooked carrots and green peas into the buttermilk mashed potatoes
  • Fill the pastry shell with the mixed mashed potatoes, brush with egg mixture, and bake in the oven at 180 攝氏度.
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