"Gulou" Mashed Potato Shrimp

How to Cook «Gulou» Mashed Potato Shrimp

"Gulou" Mashed Potato Shrimp

"Gulou" Mashed Potato Shrimp

Among the myriad purple shrimps, Gu Shu stands out in Lake Yang. Its production spans all four seasons, but it's particularly exquisite in autumn.
Tiempo de preparación 20 minutos
Tiempo de cocción 20 minutos
Plato Main Course, Salad
Cocina Chinese, French, Italian
Raciones 2


  • Normal Kitchenware


Main Ingredients

  • 100 gramo Puré de patatas
  • 150 gramo Peeled shrimp meat (31-40 count)
  • 100 gramo Mixed fruits
  • 20 gramo Qnion
  • 20 gramo Green bell peppers
  • 20 gramo Red bell peppers

Additional Ingredients

  • 150 gramo Sweet and sour sauce
  • Some cornstarch
  • Some minced garlic

Elaboración paso a paso

  • Roll the mashed potatoes into strips, dip them in beaten egg, coat with flour, and fry until golden brown. Similarmente, coat the shrimp meat with batter and fry until cooked. Set aside.
  • Heat some oil in a pan, stir-fry minced garlic, cebolla, and green and red bell peppers until fragrant. Add the sweet and sour sauce, bring to a boil, thicken with cornstarch slurry, then add the fried shrimp meat and potato strips. Quickly stir-fry until everything is well coated, then serve.
Keyword Mashed potatoes

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