Red Braised Potato Balls with Beef

How to Cook Red Braised Potato Balls with Beef

Red Braised Potato Balls with Beef

Red Braised Potato Balls with Beef

"In the frosty remnants, vegetables are subtly sweet,As spring nears, the tender shoots are unblemished.Gathered and brought back, ready to be cooked,A mere half spoon of salt and cheese, no need to add more."
—Su Shi
準備時間 20 分分鐘
烹飪時間 20 分分鐘
課程 主菜
美食 Chinese


  • 普通廚具



  • 120 G 馬鈴薯泥
  • 150 G Beef brisket
  • 50 G Each of tomato, carrot, celery, 洋蔥, and green bell pepper

Additional Ingredients

  • Tomato ketchup
  • Light soy sauce
  • White sugar
  • Chicken bouillon


  • Mix mashed potatoes with egg white and flour to form balls. Boil them in water until cooked, then set aside.
  • Blanch the beef brisket in water. In a pot, heat some oil, add tomato ketchup and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the beef brisket and stir-fry briefly. Season with broth.
  • When the beef is halfway cooked, add tomato, carrot, celery, 洋蔥, and green bell pepper. When they are about 80% cooked, add the potato balls and cook until done.
關鍵字 馬鈴薯泥, Potato ball


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